Senator Elizabeth Warren signs certificate honoring Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, sparking controversy amid her past criticism and calls for stricter crypto regulations.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has recently caused a stir by endorsing a certificate commemorating Bitcoin's 15th anniversary, which called for a ceremonial flag to be flown over the US Capitol on January 3rd. This move has surprised many, considering Warren's history of critiquing cryptocurrencies and advocating for stricter regulations within the industry.

The certificate, honoring the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, lauds their creation as "the first truly inclusive financial system that is providing new economic freedoms to populations previously ignored by both public and private institutions." It expresses gratitude on behalf of Americans for Nakamoto's contribution.

Warren's decision to sign the certificate has raised eyebrows among those in the crypto community, given her previous negative stance on digital assets.

Speculation abounds regarding Warren's level of awareness when signing the pro-Bitcoin certificate. Some suggest that perhaps she wasn't fully informed, and it's conceivable that an intern may have presented the document for a routine signature.

Despite this gesture, Warren has not softened her position on cryptocurrencies. Just this month, she participated in a Senate Banking Committee hearing where she vehemently criticized the alleged role of digital assets in facilitating crime and scams.

Furthermore, Warren continues to advocate for legislation aimed at imposing anti-money laundering regulations on the crypto industry. Her proposed Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act has garnered support from 19 senators, including Republican Lindsey Graham, over the past year.