Bitcoin OG Dan Held discusses the integration of layer-2 blockchains, DeFi potential, and its impact on the upcoming bull run. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Cointelegraph.

Exploring the potential integration of layer-2 blockchains atop Bitcoin could unveil its true capabilities and drive its value to unprecedented levels, suggests Bitcoin pioneer and former maximalist Dan Held.

“Individuals may opt to utilize their Bitcoin holdings by locking them up, staking them to accrue yield, and even borrowing against them,” Held expressed during an exclusive conversation with Cointelegraph.

Concurrently, alongside the impending halving, recent approvals of Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds, and potential interest rate adjustments by the United States Federal Reserve, Held anticipates that Bitcoin decentralized finance (DeFi) could instigate the most significant bull market in history.

Held, once a staunch Bitcoin maximalist, has notably transitioned into one of the most outspoken advocates for Bitcoin layer 2 solutions. These solutions enable developers to deploy smart contracts on the blockchain, thereby enhancing the protocol's functionalities.

In Held's view, Bitcoin is poised to capture a substantial segment of the DeFi market, challenging established platforms like Ethereum and Solana.

“With its vast user base, unparalleled liquidity, and enduring longevity, Bitcoin is primed to dominate,” Held asserted.

“For those contemplating app development with longevity in mind, Bitcoin presents an unparalleled opportunity,” he added.

Presently, approximately $2.2 billion in value is locked within the Bitcoin blockchain. Panter Capital estimates this burgeoning sector holds a potential value of $500 billion.

For deeper insights into the emerging Bitcoin DeFi landscape and its potential impact on the ongoing bullish trend, the complete interview is available on Cointelegraph’s YouTube channel. Remember to subscribe for further updates!